in Basics
Direct mail: EDDM, saturation and targeted list mailings
You have a lot of options when it comes to getting your direct marketing in the mail. Here is an overview.
Saturation Mailings
Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)
(Originally designed as a "do it yourself" option)
Key Highlights:- saturation with no need for list and no need to print addresses
- qualifies as the lowest postage rate available
- more options when we mail for you rather than do it yourself
With EDDM, your piece reaches every residence and optionally, every business in one or more carrier routes. It's a simplified address and no names or addresses and no list purchase is necessary. EDDM is intended for flats, like postcards, newsletters, etc. An often-sited example of an EDDM user is a pizza shop: With its relatively low price point and its near universally agreed-upon yumminess, pizza is a great product to market with a tool like EDDM, which allows the joint to saturate the local neighborhood with a menu or a postcard.
For EDDM, the options are Residential + Businesses (mail will read "Postal Customer"), or Residential only ("Residential Customer"). EDDM can't be mailed to businesses only (addressed to "Business Customer") unless the route is made up of 90% businesses, such as in Manhattan NY.
If you print and mail with Holland Litho, you will be able to take advantage of EDDM Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU). This allows you to:
- print and mail as one complete solution
- eliminate the need for you to drop off bundled mailers at the Post Office
- remove the 5,000 piece limit of "do it yourself" EDDM.
- send pieces as small as 3.5" x 10.5" (“Do it yourself" minimum is 6 1/8" x 11”; Length must be at least 11.5” and max 15”. height must be at least 3.5” and max 12”. Length must be greater than height) or ( Length must be at least 10.5” and max 15”. height must be at least 5” and max 12”. Length must be greater than height)
- send pieces that weigh up to 15.9 ounces (retail limit is 3.9 ounces)
Because there is no specific name or address associated with each piece, personalization is not available.
We recommend you call your sales rep to confirm the size specifics before you begin your design work.
Saturation by Zip Code or Carrier Route
Key Highlights:- list purchase is required
- address is required
- standard is no name with an option for names where available at a higher cost
- very few limitations
- low postage rate
There are fewer limitations with saturation mailings, which target most or all of the addresses in a carrier route or Zip Code. , You can mail brochures, flyers, letters, catalogs, etc. Postage cost will depend on your mail piece's size and weight.
By default, saturation lists are not addressed to a specific person. They come with the generic "Resident" in place of a person's name. Saturation lists do, however, have an option to include "names where available" at an additional cost. When using this option, the list will come with either the household's primary name or Resident if no name is available. Saturation lists must be purchased, but it is the least expensive list you can buy.
Preparation for saturation is much more complex than EDDM, as each mail piece must be addressed and labeled with a Zip Code and carrier route-sorted. In all likelihood, you will need to work with a mail house like Holland Litho rather than try to do it yourself.
Unlike EDDM, which is delivered to every delivery point on the carrier routes you select, saturation mail does not require you to hit every mailbox. This allows you to target specific demographics that are based on the route and not the individual address. This can help you reduce costs by mailing to only customers you feel could benefit the most from your products or services.
Targeted Mailings with Lists
Your Lists
We can mail to your existing lists, making sure they are clean and up to date. We can also merge and purge to combine multiple lists into one.
Consumer or business lists
Consumer or business lists can be used to target prospects more selectively. With consumer or business lists, we can help you select from many demographic options including age, gender, household income, home value, presence, age and gender of children, etc. A good example might be a child care center. It want to reach every household that has young children in a specific geographic area. In this example, we'd identify the locales you want to target, and then select based on specific traits, for example, age of children in the household and household income.
There are myriad ways you can target potential customers, donors, whoever you want to reach.
- a high-end car dealership might target household income
- a boat dealer might select based on proximity to a body of water as well as income
- a private school might target based on the age of children in the household
- a boys or girls school might add a gender select
- a furniture retailer might target home or architectural magazine lists
Custom Mapping
With custom mapping, you can target some or all addresses within an area specified on a map. A good example of this might be a communications company with geographical limitations on where it can market.
Radius List
A radius list draws a circle around a given address at whatever radius you choose. A private school might combine a radius list with additional selects, such as school-age children and household income, as an example. We can help you create a resident list by either distance (5 miles, for example) or quantity (i.e. closest 10,000 residents).
Advanced Profiling
If your list is large enough, you can use it to target similar customers. We have partners that use computer algorithms to analyze your list and look at hundreds of traits you may never have thought of. We call this profiling and can use it to help you acquire an incredibly well-targeted list that's sure to get you the highest response rate possible.
List Mechanics
In general, the more you saturate a Zip Code or Carrier Route, the lower your postage will be. Holland Litho is a full-service mail house. We can mail to your list, help you acquire a list, and merge/de-dupe both internal and acquired lists to ensure you mail just one piece per household. We will also run your list through CASS, NCOA, and then presort and print the list addresses right onto the mail piece. We will do all of the USPS paperwork, drop at the appropriate USPS location, do whatever is necessary to get the appropriate delivery timing at the best postage price possible.
* * * * *
Direct mail marketing remains a highly effective way for you to grow your organization. To maximize this marketing investment, we can work with you to help you define your goals, develop your targets and a corresponding list strategy, print your piece beautifully and handle all the mechanics of getting it in the mail. Give your salesperson a call to begin harnessing the power of direct mail to reach your objectives.