in Images and Color
Eight Great, Really Free Stock Image WebsitesWe set out this month to find really great, truly free (even for commercial use) stock photo websites. Below you will find thousands of great images, no credit card needed. 1. PLiXS This is the mother of all free image web sites. It's vast, well-organized and the images are gorgeous. 5 stars
New Old Stock Vintage photos from the public archives free of known copyright restrictions. 5 stars
2. Gratisography Gratisography provides free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. 5 stars
3. The Pattern Library This on-going project compiles patterns shared by talented designers out there for you to use freely in your designs. 5 stars
4. Good Free Photos Good Free Photos is a gallery of thousands of unique and free public domain stock photos. All photos are taken by me and are categorized by location for travel photos, species for animal and plant photos, and types of objects for other photos. All photos are released under the public domain license so you can use the photos for whatever reason you want. 5 stars
Superfamous Superfamous offers free, gorgeous images for you to use. Just remember to give credit: The Superfamous Images are available under the conditions of a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. This means that you can use the work for your own purposes as long as credit is provided. 5 stars
5. Unsplash This site's description: "Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos. 10 new photos every 10 days." From a wide range of contributing photographers, the quality of the images is awesome. 5 stars
6. Little Visuals We love this young man's free stock images: They are beautiful and he sent seven of them every week to his subscriber list. Tragically, he died suddenly in late 2013 at the age of 26. The site is worth visiting if for no other reason than as a living testament to his art. Through no fault of his own, the selection is finite. 4 stars
7. Pic Jumbo Another some free/get more if you pay site. This one is good because it at least categorizes the images. 3 stars
8. Death to the Stock Photo This is a free-to-pay site (some free images; upgrade to $15 per month for more images). It's hard to browse and look at images and they want you to download a zip file right off the bat to see them. 2 stars.