in Announcements
PI300: We moved up another 18!
Holland Litho moves up to 211 in Printing Impressions' annual rankings

Despite the last year's dual challenges of an ongoing pandemic and problems with the supply chain, Holland Litho still managed to gain traction in 2021 as measured by Printing Impressions' ranking of North America's 300 largest printers. We moved up another 18 positions, from being ranked the 270th largest printer in 2019, the 229th in 2020, and now to 211th in 2021. Even with all of the world's uncertainties, we are optimistic for 2022 and beyond.
We got there by once again printing over 25,000 of your projects last year!
How did we do it? With the support and confidence of our customers. We are so thankful for their loyalty their partnership, and their projects! We like to think this reflects on our commitment to the highest level of quality and customer service.
So, just so it's said, THANK YOU!