in Environment
Two Sides North America debunks environmental myths in opinion piece on OPI News Hub
OPI is the global business supplies industry's go-to hub for essential news, resources, analysis and information. With a stated goal "to facilitate meaningful conversations that help keep sustainable development at the forefront of every business action," they invite viewpoints on wide-ranging topics.
On August 16, OPI published on its opinion page a piece titled "The Sustainable Argument for Going Paperless" in which an executive from DocuWare, a document management and workflow software company, asserted with no factual evidence that electronic communication and document management are more environmentally sustainable than using paper. Among other claims, he wrote: "Reducing paper usage offers significant environmental benefits, such as leaving a lighter environmental footprint by conserving forests. Forest loss harms wildlife and increases soil erosion. Meanwhile, paper production, which also relies on chemicals and water – emits greenhouse gas emissions."
Two Sides North America submitted a response that was published recently. You can read both opinion pieces on the OPI website, and you can also read the Two Sides response here.